
INTEGRATION presents ARIZE vol.3


DJ、LIVE、アートや出店など各種コンテンツの融合をコンセプトに、独自の空間を築き上げるパーティ"INTEGRATION"が主宰する屋内フェス型パーティ"ARIZE"。今年夏の『海の日』に代官山Sankeys TYOでCMT、no.9 orchestraをフィーチャーし、大盛況のもと幕を下ろした前回に続き、3回目となる今回は、12/24の『クリスマスイヴ』のサンデーアフターに青山WALL&WALLでX'masスペシャルとして開催される。

ヘッドライナーには、INTEGRATIONレジデントであるHIROSHI WATANABE aka Kaito、DJ Yogurt、LIVEユニットのnegoに加え、レーベル"SEEDS AND GROUND"の主宰者であり、"Chari Chari"や"Aurora Acoustic"など別名義での活動も含め、これまで国内外のクラブ、または野外フェスティバルなどで数えきれないくらいのDJギグ、ライブ等を行い、カリスマ的な人気を集めてきたKaoru Inoueと、2012年の結成以来、ライブスペースのみならず"rural"や"秘境祭"、"Camp-Offtone"といった野外レイヴ&フェスなどの出演も重ね、昨年から今年にかけて立て続けにリリースされた2枚のセルフタイトルアルバム「 R N S T 」が好評を得ている、ギター、ベース、サンプラーやリズムマシーンなどから編成される3ピースバンド、R N S T をフィーチャーする。

※エントランスにて数量限定、ARIZEオリジナルMIX CDプレゼント

【X’mas Special Indoor Rave “ARIZE”】

ARIZE is an indoor music festival organized by “INTEGRATION” who is dedicated to create a unique party by mixing different contents such as DJ, live, art and vendors. This year, we have had two parties so far. First, we featured with CMT and no. 9 orchestra at Sankeys TYO in Daikanyama on the Marine Day. After the second successful party in November, we are throwing our X’mas special party at Aoyama Wall & Wall on November 24th Sunday in the afternoon.

We have invited the following headliners: HIROSHI WATANABE aka Kaito and DJ Yogurt (Resident DJs of Integration), nego (Live Set), Kaoru Inoue and R N S T .

Kaoru Inoue is the organizer of the label “SEEDS AND GROUND”, who has worked on several projects such as “Chari Chari” and “Aurora Acoustic”. He has also given countless gigs as a charismatic DJ both in clubs and music festivals in and out of Japan.

R N S T is a three-piece band that plays the guitar, the bass, the sampler and the rhythm machine. They are highly regarded for their new albums “ R N S T ” released in the last two consecutive years. They have been performing not only in clubs but also at music festivals such as “rural”, “秘境祭”, and “Camp-Offtone”

We would like to welcome you to enjoy “ARIZE” on X’mas Eve.
*We are handing out some free MIX CD at the entrance. Numbers are limited so come early!