
5th Anniversary Party

ダミー増殖!みたく、早々と我々Lone Star Productionsが愛すべくホームグラウンド(後楽園ではないが、そうかも...)で最も長寿レジデント・パーティをスタートしてから◎◎◎◎◎5年も経つとは! ハエ〜。この5年 間、踊り倒し、BBQ食い道楽し、幾多とジャアクに、様々な最高の音楽をプレイし、色々と起き、誰 かがあばら骨を折れ、俺ではないが・・・、皆様と共に大いに最高のエンジョイをさせて頂きました!  誠に有り難うございました!次へと勇みよく進むために、Galleryのメンバーで、良きブラ ザー、G-Kenこと長谷川賢司師匠をゲストDJとして招きます!

Like the neverending dummy multiplication (still going on &on!) on the diamond, at our beloved crib called Bonobo, I still can't believe how fast eddie it's been since we started this long-train runnin' party we call, Lone Star Productions 5 years ago! WOW! Unbelievable, how for 5 years every month, on the 1st Sat., we danced our asses off (like the very lovely Salsoul Playmate!), sometimes ate like BBQ kings & queens, played some ultra-HOT ta TROT music for your ultimate listening pleasure. We really enjoyed it as much as all of you who came down tirelessly! Love Ya All! Muchos Gracias, Amigo & La Senora ! And Wanna Thank you! Kisses and all! To put a big shabang into the next phase in the Lone Star journey, we have invited the 3rd member of the beloved Tokyo party institution called Gallery that we have welcomed as guest DJs, brother Kenji Hasegawa! Really looking forward to spinning with this master of the wheels of steel! Hope you can join us and all the other dummies who are multiplying on the Giant field of dreams!!

住所:渋谷区神宮前2-23-4 address: Jingumae 2-23-4, Shibuya, Tokyo twitter:@bonobo_jp

注: 今回の5周年のパーティは通常の第1土曜日ではなく、第1金曜日に特別ズラし ました!
NOTE: This 5th Anniversary Party has been moved forward a day and will not be held in the normal 1st Sat. but on the 1st Fri.

最後に最近Mixcloudにジョインしました。定期的 にミックスをアップするので、聴いてみて下さい。so far, 9本アップしました。
Lastly, I have recently joined Mixcloud. I will periodically upload some of my mixes, so feel free to check it out.