
TRI-BUTE #41 reconstrution

2004年に SO、MASTUNAMI、BATCH の3人でスタートし、様々なロケーションで、次々とユニークな企画を打ち出して来た TRI-BUTE。アンダーグラウンドシーンにおいて着実に活動を積み重ねて、これまで WILL SAUL、PABLO BOLIVAR、DAVE DK、YOUANDEWAN、CHYMERA 等フレッシュで次世代を担うであろう海外アーティスト達をいち早く日本に紹介し、シーンに新しい風を吹き込んできた。2014年はその活動の記念すべき10周年を迎え、10周年 YEAR と題し年間を通じてスペシャル企画をドロップ中。6月13日に FRED P を招聘して UNIT にて開催された #40 に続き、第2回目となるこの #41 では JOHN OSBORN をフィーチャー。ロンドンにてキャリアをスタートし、現在ベルリンを拠点に活動中。TECHNO~HOUSE を途切れないグルーブと共に高い次元でミックスするアーティストとして高い評価を得て、今年は苗場グリーンランドで開催される国内屈指の野外フェス THELABYRINTH 2014 にも出演予定。その翌週での登場となる。TRI-BUTE としては2011年の震災直後に大きな話題となったチャリティ企画を含む #35 以来、実に3年ぶりとなる WOMB 開催に大きな期待が高まる。

TRI-BUTE started in 2004 with three members: SO, MASTUNAMI and BATCH. Since then, they have done unique projects one after another in various locations. Working diligently in underground scenes to build their profile, they were always the first to introduce upcoming foreign artists of the next generation to Japan, such as WILL SAUL, PABLO BOLIVAR, DAVE DK, YOUANDEWAN and CHYMERA, inspiring new waves in the music scene.

As 2014 is a year commemorating their 10th anniversary, they have launched a special whole-year project in the name of the 10th anniversary year. Following #40 on 13th June, which took place at UNIT with FRED P as the guest, #41 consists the second part of this project. This time, we are featuring JOHN OSBORN, who, having started his career in London, is currently based in Berlin. He has gained a great reputation as an artist who mixes various styles from TECHNO to HOUSE at a high proficiency, combining them with a non-stopping groove. This year, he is participating in one of the most famous outdoor festival in Japan, THELABYRINTH 2014, in Naeba Greenland, and it is after this festival that he is visiting our venue. It has been three long years since TRI-BUTE performed at WOMB in 2011 as #35. Their performance then included a charity project for the earthquake and drew a lot of attention. They are sure to provide you with a very exciting time!