

東京のカルチャーを発信すべく2000年に始動し、最新の音楽と共に、様々な人々が交流する社交場として渋谷円山町に誕生した WOMB が、今年4月に14周年を迎えます。
これまで毎週末止まる事無く、1600回以上のパーティーを開催し、400組を超える海外アーティストを招聘。幅広い世代のオーディエンス (お客様) から熱い支持を集め、海外からも東京を代表するアイコンとして WOMB というアイデンティティを確立しました。
14周年を機に私達は、14年間で培った知識と経験をもとに再び原点を見つめ直し、WOMB に足を踏み入れただけで、あなたの温度 (熱) が上昇するようなお店作りを目指します。

音楽と照明、映像によって刺激される感覚。パーティーを作り上げるコミュニティーの熱意やスタッフの心からのサービス。人と人の繋がりから生まれる出会い。選び抜かれたテイストのお酒やオリジナルカクテルがもたらす酔い心地。そんな WOMB が持つ様々な独自の要素を丁寧に情熱を持って積み上げて、WOMB は新たな驚き(サプライズ)を提供すべく前へ進んでいきます。


In 2000, in Shibuya's Maruyama District, WOMB was born: a social space bursting with the desire to broadcast Tokyo culture throughout the world, where all sorts of people could meet and experience the latest music. This April, WOMB will be turning 14.
We've partied on this whole time without missing so much as one weekend, hosting over 1600 parties and calling in over 400 foreign artists. Thanks to the warm, even hot support of our multi-generational audience, WOMB has come to represent the Tokyo scene, both here and abroad.
Now, 14 years later, we want to take the wisdom and experience we've gained and take another look back at our starting point, and try to make a space that makes you heat up the moment you set foot in WOMB.

Music, lights, and videos that stimulate your senses. The hotly enthusiastic community who build up each party and our staff who love to serve them. Encounters that make connections between people. The wonderful buzz that comes from our choice selection of alcohol and original cocktails. Each of these unique elements make up the carefully and passionately crafted WOMB experience. Now, we're about to move forward, and bring you all-new surprises.
Our 14th anniversary party will feature resident artists on every floor. What's more, we'll be there to welcome you to a night full of special performances and stage set ups worthy of an anniversary date.

We're hoping to bring you a new leap forward in the Tokyo scene, so the warmth from this night won't just stay in WOMB, but will spread out to heat up the nation and the world.

☆WOMB 14th ANNIVERSARY の特設サイト:


「みんなで1℃ あげていこう!」という思いを込めて、暖色系を選びました。

We've set a dress code so that everyone coming can bring that extra "1℃"
Dress Code: Warm Colors
We've picked warm colors so that we can move it like we're trying to "crank up the earth's thermostat by 1℃!"
Think "anniversary fashion," and get ready to show off your own style of "+1°C"!