
Mother supported by Womb

昨年GARY BECK をヘッドラーナーに招聘し、大盛況を博した

壮大な森を彷彿させる、ヒプノティックで深淵な音楽で一体感に包まれた[ MINILOGUE NIGHT @ UNIT ]や、雄大な自然に身をゆだね、音楽と綴る非日常の旅を体感した[ DISCOVERY ]において、大地と宇宙の波動が融合したかのような、オーガニックかつシリアスな世界観で聴衆を魅了したMARCUS HENRIKSSON aka MINILOGUE / SON KITEを招きます。

SVEN VATH率いるCOCOON Recordingsに所属するMINILOGUE / SONKITEのメンバーであり、世界中のダンスフリークを躍らせてきたMARCUS HENRIKSSONの新プロジェクト・NOBODY HOMEの日本初登場となる本公演。一夜の物語を共に奏でるのは、活動20周年を迎え、成熟期となった日本のテクノシーンにおいて、他を追随させない先進的な音楽でシーンを牽引し続けるKEN ISHIIとMotherのレジデントDJ・TA-KA。そしてLJ AIBAとVJ HEART BOMBがダンスフロアを光と映像で彩り、Motherらしい色彩豊かな物語を紡ぎます。

4FはTOTEM TRAXX のDO SHOCK BOOZEをゲストに迎え、COYUやDOSEMなど新進気鋭のアーティストを招聘し、注目を集めるGALAXY RECZのショーケースを展開。3FはkikyuのKo Umeharaの最新ミックスCDのリリースパーティと銘打ち、CHARMのYUYAMA TSUYOSHIとLovehenHouseのDeimがタッグを組んだ新パーティ「TRINE」が登場。1FはMotherとも縁深く、夏のビーチパーティ・GOONIESが話題のLiberoがSTEFANO LOTTIをゲストに迎えてオーガナイズと、各フロアのオーガナザー陣にも注目です。


This will be the second collaboration party between Mother and Womb, a hugely successful event that featured Gary Beck as the head runner last year. A special guest for this performance, which will be nearly a year after the last one, will be Marcus Henriksson a.k.a. Minilogue/Son Kite. He fascinated the audience with his organic, yet serious, view of the world which made it look like the pulsations of the Earth and the universe had been fused together, both at Discovery, where people could devote themselves to the grandeurs of nature and experience an extraordinary journey expressed as music, and at Minilogue Night @ Unit, enveloped in a sense of unity through hypnotic and intense music reminiscent of majestic forests. Marcus Henriksson, an artist that has reached dance freaks from all over the world, is a member of Minilogue/Son Kite from Cocoon Recordings, led by Sven Vath. This performance will be the first appearance in Japan of Marcus Henriksson's new project Nobody Home. This event will tell the story of one night, featuring Mother resident TA-KA, and Ken Ishii, who will be welcoming its 20th anniversary of leading the now mature techno scene through advanced music that is well ahead of others. LJ Aiba and VJ Heart Bomb will also bring great light and color to the dance floor, unraveling a story full of color that is so typical of Mother. Totem Traxx's Do Shock Booze will be welcomed as the guest at the VIP Lounge, featuring young and energetic artists such as Coyu and Dosem, also showcasing Galaxy Recz, who has been garnering much attention recently. The Middle Lounge will host the new Trine party, also acting as the release party of Kikyu's Ko Umehara's latest mix CD, featuring Charm's Yuyama Tsuyoshi and Love Henhouse's Deim working together. Womb Lounge, with its deep affinity with Mother, has organized the event by welcoming Stefano Lotti as its guest, invited by Libero, well known for its summer beach party Goonies, and is also giving great attention to the organizers of each floor. Mother will once again be seeking to generate great emotion and excitement in 2014, welcoming you all with even more conceptual offerings.