


WOMB を拠点に世界で活躍する TRESVIBES。自身のレーベル VIS REV SET を今年から本格始動させた彼らによる2016年第1弾パーティーがいよいよ開催。
今回のメインゲストは、スイス・ジュネーブ出身の才女 SONJA MOONEAR。RICARDO VILLALOBOS や ZIP 等と共に世界各地でラインナップされる実力派の彼女が WOMB に初登場。そして彼女と同じ現場主義エージェンシー"SOLID AM"のロースターに名を連ねるベルリン在住の日本人 DJ YONE-KO も出演決定!

TRESVIBES perform all over the world with WOMB as their home base. They kick started their own label, VIS RES SET, this year and their 1st party of 2016 is about to begin.
The main guest this time will be SONJA MOONEAR, a talented woman from Geneva, Switzerland. She has performed with the likes of RICARDO VILLALOBOS and ZIP around the world, and this skilled performer will make her first appearance at WOMB. Her agency, SOLID AM, focuses on practical talents and will be fielding another artist from their roster too: DJ YONE-KO, a Japanese artist living in Berlin!