


今年5月に来日し、多くのファンを魅了した英国 Toolroom Records 主宰 MARK KNIGHT がファン待望の再来日を果たす。ダンスミュージックプロデューサーとして "Man With The Red Face" (Funkagenda共作) や "Alright" をはじめ、通算50作に及ぶトラックを発表し、近年では Underworld をフィーチャーした "Ten" (Sander van Doorn 共作) がジャンルを横断するメガヒットを記録。2010年には Black Eyed Peas のアルバム "The E.N.D" における共作により、グラミー賞ノミネートも果たした。又、DJ の実力も誰もが認めるところであり、Creamfields, Sensation、Dance Valley、Electric Daisy Carnival (EDC)等、大型フェスティバルの常連でもある。2014年の UMF JAPAN に於いても名だたるスターを尻目に、ベストアクトの呼び声も高いプレイを披露したのは記憶に新しい。本年5月ゴールデンウィークに WOMB で開催された来日公演では、予想を遥かに超える動員を記録しフロアを熱狂の渦に導いた。今回の WOMB 公演では前回に引き続き Rhythmholic より EITA、さらに近年活躍の著しい“第二世代” SEKITOVA の出演も決定し、ますます目の離せない内容となっている。

Mark Knight, the British supervisor of Toolroom Records, enchanted many fans when he visited Japan in May this year. He will soon satisfy them with a long-anticipated return. As a dance music producer, he began with tracks like "Man With The Red Face" (collaboration w/Funkagenda) and "Alright," and has now released a total of 50 tracks. In recent years, he recorded the cross-genre mega-hit "Ten" (collaboration w/Sander van Doorn) featuring Underworld. In 2010, he worked with the Black Eyed Peas on the album "The E.N.D.," which received a Grammy nomination. And everyone recognizes his DJ ability, making him a regular at large festivals like Creamfields, Sensation, Dance Valley, and Electric Daisy Carnival (EDC). At UMF Japan 2014, he drew glances from famous stars, and the loud calls of "best act" are still fresh in memory.
His performance at WOMB during Golden Week in May this year saw attendance that far exceeded expectations, and he led the floor into a vortex of wild enthusiasm. His performance at WOMB this time will carry on from his last, with EITA from Rhythmholic, and a performance from "Second World" SEKITOVA, who is increasingly, strikingly active in recent years. More and more, this is becoming a show that you just can't ignore.