

イビザの数々のパーティーの中でも常に最高峰として君臨し続ける COCOON IBIZA は、今年15周年を迎え、多くのクラウドを魅了し続けている。
そしてこの度、COCOON IBIZA の独自の世界観が生で感じられる、COCOON TOKYO が満を持して WOMB に登場!
ゲストは、今年の COCOON WORLD WIDE の中で最もプッシュするアーティスト、COCOON IBIZA 2014 MIX を担当し、ミニマルテクノ/ミニマルハウスシーンで欠かせないキーマンであり日本でも年々知名度を上げている MATHIAS KADEN が、昨年のハロウィン以来に登場する。またイタリア人で最もユニークなキャラクターとして、まさに流星の様に華やかに輝くと言っても過言では無い!イタリアでは絶大な人気を誇る ILARIO ARICANTE が WOMB 初見参!
カウンターパートは、独特のグルーブを発信し続け、6月にはヨーロッパ5都市のツアーを終え、FUJI ROCK 2014 の出演を果たした PI-GE が迎え撃つ。
ヴィジュアルは、COCOON VISUAL の専属であり、大の JAPAN フリーク ANDY こと REACH VISUALS が2012年のCOUNTDOWN PARTY 以来帰還する。
更に更に!VIP LOUNGE では、アルゼンチン出身の ALEJANDRO MOSSO が、独特な美しさとハーモニーで、感情の深層部までを表現し人々の身体を揺り動かす LIVE SET を披露します。
また、6月の WOMB ブラジルツアーでブラジリアンを唸らせた DR.SHINGO がロングセット!さらにメキシコ人+ドイツ人の奇妙な組合せだが、抜群のハーモニーを奏でる LUMA の LIVE SET の出演が決定。
加えて、WOMB LOUNGE では、SATOSHI OTSUKI による Sorry, It's My Chair を開催!
プロフェッショナルなアーティストが全フロアを完全にロックし、私達の想像を遥かに超えるエネルギー体がフロア中に満ち溢れる一夜になるでしょう。COCOON TOKYO を是非お楽しみ下さい!

The night which constantly comes up top as the highest authority among the many contenders on the Ibiza party scene, Cocoon Ibiza, continues to dazzle crowds as it reaches its fifteenth anniversary.
And now, we bring you the chance to experience the distinctive flavor of the Cocoon Ibiza philosophy in the flesh, as Cocoon Tokyo finally hits WOMB.
We are pleased to welcome as a guest (in his first appearance since last Halloween), the most-pushed artist from Cocoon Worldwide and the man who was responsible for Cocoon Ibiza Mix 2014, an indispensable key player in the world of minimal house and minimal techno who has made a name for himself even here in Japan - Mathias Kaden. In addition, a man of whom it wouldn't be going too far to say that he lights up as bright as a shooting star. Ilario Aricante - who has gained huge popularity in his native Italy as the nation's most unique character - will appear at WOMB for the first time!
However, he will have a strong counterpart to contend with in PI-GE, who returned from transmitting his unique grooves across five cities in Europe to perform at this year's Fuji Rock Festival.
On the visuals side, we welcome the long-awaited repatriation of Cocoon Visual's exclusive Japan freak Andy Reach Visuals in his first visit to WOMB since 2012's Countdown Party.
But that's not all! In the VIP lounge, Argentinian Alejandro Mosso introduces his unique and beautiful harmonies, which will reach deep down beneath your skin, touch your emotions and make your body move.
In addition, we present a long set from Dr. Shingo, who made Brazilian crowds buzz on the Womb Brazil tour back in June. We also have a live set from Luma, an unusual combination of a Mexican and a German, who are known for playing exquisite harmonies.
As if that wasn't enough, Satoshi Otsuki will present 'Sorry, It's My Chair' in the WOMB Lounge.
With professional artists set to rock every floor to its very core, this night is bound to set energies racing higher than even our wildest expectations. Be sure to get yourself down to Cocoon Tokyo!