

Everybody has Their Own Colors!!! かつて WAREHOSUE702 にて開催されていたウィークデイパーティー、"10COLOURS"が WOMB LOUNGE にて再始動! レジデントアーティストの Tomo Hachiga、eRee、SE-TA、VJ の SIDE-SEVEN を中心に、ハードスタイルなテクノとクールかつシャープなヴィジュアルを基軸に、個々のカラーがフロアに紡ぎ出される。

Everybody has Their Own Colors!!! "10COLOURS," the weekday party previously put on by WAREHOUSE702 makes its return at the WOMB LOUNGE! All your unique colors will come spinning out on the floor with resident artists Tomo Hachiga, eRee, SE-TA, and VJ SIDE-EVEN at the core bringing their hard style techno with cool and sharp visuals. We want you to experience this one special night that interweaves the unique senses of both the artists and the audience.