

これまで国内外の豪華DJ、アーティ ストを召喚すると同時に、「融合」という名のもとで多種多様なコンテンツを取り入れつつ、開催を続けてきた”INTEGRATION”が3周年を迎える。記念すべき祝祭となる今回は、都内地方問わず、野外ビックフェスを中心に引っ張りだこのDJ Yogurtと、6月にドイツのeMBi Musikより初の12インチ、「Mind Piano EP」をリリースしたばかりのIori Wakasaの共演が決定。DJのみならず民族楽器のライブが展開されるメインフロアや、キャンドルデコ、ボディペイント、フードなどのコンテンツが融合するラウンジでも祝祭に相応しい華やかな一夜を演出してくれるであろう。

DJ Yogurt (Upset Recordigs)
大手レコード店バイヤーを経てDJ活動を開始し、98年に自身が立ち上げたレーベル、Upset Recにて15年に渡り楽曲制作を展開。近年では、FUJI ROCK FESなどのビックフェスを始め、野外レイヴや屋内PARTYに至るまで数多く出演。毎週のように日本各地のパーティでDJをおこなっている。

Iori Wakasa (Leaves/BLAFMA)
20代前半より数々のビックイベントに出演。今年6月には初の12inch"Mind Piano EP"をドイツのレーベル、eMBi Musicよりリリース。最近ではJohn Digweedのラジオ番組、TransitionでDJ MIXがオンエアされるなど、今後の活動に大きな注目が寄せられている。

Starting from autumn 2010, this party "INTEGRATION" has brought in quality DJs, artists, and entertainment contents to bring exciting moment to the weekday of Daikanyama Air, and on 14th of October, it will experience its 3rd anniversary.

To celebrate this happy moment, INTEGRATION will invite DJ Yogurt as the guest DJ, and for the featuring DJ comes Iori Wakasa. Other than the great DJs, don't also miss the entertaining contents such as ethnic music live shows, candle decoration, body painting, and delicious food which will all be "integrated" to create an epic night!

DJ Yogurt (Upset Recordings)

Experiencing his career as a record buyer, his activity in the scene started as a DJ, and in 1998 Upset Recordings label was established to release his original tracks. Having participated in number of big events such as Fuji Rock Festival, he is traveling all over Japan almost every week to spread his great sounds.

Iori Wakasa(Leaves/BLAFMA)

From his early 20s, he has already played in many big events. In June 2013, his first 12inch vinyl "Mind Piano EP" was released from a German label eMBi Music. His DJ mix have been played at John Digweed's radio "Transition", which shows to us that he is one of the most hottest young DJ in Japan.