

SlipKnoT#0SID によるドラムンベースソロセットのオフィシャルイベント STAR FORTUNE が10周年目を迎える。
ゲストアーティストには DE DE MOUSE、Fragment、06S からは AKi が参戦。
前回の 3DVJ に次ぐ切り札に立体音響 katsuyuki seto、3D プロジェクションマッピングの T.ISODA が登場。
前回では VJ を3D 化にし、WOMB の空間そのものが立体映像の中のようなイベントとしての映像が主役でしたが今回は立体音が主役になります。

SlipKnoT#0SID's drum & bass solo set official event STAR FORTUNE5 celebrates its 10th year anniversary. Guest artists include DE DE MOUSE, Fragment, and AKi from 06S! After last time's 3 DVJ performance, katsuyuki seto and T.ISODA are back with their 3-D Audio Visual live, once again providing the simultaneous sensation of sight as sound as they combine 3-D projection mapping visuals with stereophonic sound. The development of the sense of vision is, from a scientific standpoint, a relatively recent development in the evolution of animals, and for much of the long journey of evolution they relied more heavily on the sense of hearing instead. For our brains to be governed by the sense of hearing is a part of the very primitive basis for our existence as humans. At the last event, the VJs turned Womb's atmosphere into a three-dimensional experience, creating the feeling of being inside a 3-D image. This time, however, sound will also share the lead role. In neuroscience, what we see with our eyes is actually an image of the outside information which has been sent from our eyes to our cerebrum and then processed by our brain. Accordingly, the stereophonic sounds we use will be processed in your brain and shown to you just as your brain shows you the visual information it has processed, inciting the development of creation within your own mind.